• Team rankings in the main event

    The selected teams will compete in the main event on September 22-23 for the top 3 places in the Belcorp Hackathon 4.0. The classification of teams will be developed in 3 phases: Ideation, Code and Final Presentation.

  • Phase 0 – Pre hackathon

    Before the main event, participants will be able to interact with the technical assets provided by Belcorp and start the development of their solutions since Pre-hackathon phase. This is a volunteer advantage time to start working on the solution before the effort during main event days.

  • Phase 1: Ideation

    The teams will have 3 hours to come up with a solution to the proposed challenge. After an evaluation by Belcorp’s business and technology experts, the top 20 teams will proceed to the code phase. 

    The teams that were not chosen will have the opportunity to improve their solution or come up with a new one in 2 hours. The two teams with the two best ideas can return to the competition and move on to the next phase.  

  • Phase 2: Code

    The 22 qualified teams will have 11 hours to develop their solution. On the morning of September 23rd Belcorp's architecture experts will evaluate the code of the equipment and select the six teams that will go on to the final phase.

  • Phase 3: Final presentation

    The six finalist teams will make their presentation to the jury, made up of Belcorp’s Executive Committee members, who will evaluate the presentations and choose the winners of the Belcorp Hackathon 4.0. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place of the competition will be awarded.

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  • How to participate?

    You can participate individually or in a group (of up to 5 people) from anywhere in the world. You only need to be 18 or older, have creativity, eagerness, and a positive attitude.

  • Individual registration

    During registration you can indicate your profile so you can be part of a team with other complementary skills.

  • Grupal registration

    The team must have multiple skills to develop an innovative solution. We recommend that your team has the following profiles.

    • Data Specialist
    • Domain Expert
    • Software Specialist
    • UX/UI Specialist

    After registration, we will start an evaluation process in which the skills and knowledge of each participant will be evaluated to be part of the Belcorp Hackathon.

    Learn more details in our Q&A and in the Terms and Conditions of the event.